Goat's milk is more easily digestible than cow's milk. It is little more expensive and sometimes hard to find, but for ice cream lover's that are lactose intolerant, it is worth the money and search.
A friend of mine who is lactose intolerant was visiting this month so I decided to whip up a batch of goat cheese ice cream. It was super good with just the right amount of sweetness and tang you would except from goat cheese. So, if you have passed on ice cream in the past due to your milk free diet, pick up some goat milk and cheese and give it a spin in your ice cream maker. Don't have a maker. Buy or borrow one. It will be worth it.
Goat Cheese Ice Cream
2 ½ cups goats milk
½ cup sugar
4 oz goat cheese
4 egg yolks
2 ½ cups goats milk
½ cup sugar
4 oz goat cheese
4 egg yolks
Warm milk and sugar in a saucepan. Whisk egg yolks in a large bowl. Pour milk over egg yolks and return back to the saucepan. Simmer until thickened. Crumble cheese in a large bowl. Pour custard through a mesh strainer over cheese. Stir until cheese has melted. Chill in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Freeze in ice maker according to manual. Enjoy!
July is National Ice Cream Month